Saturday 26 January 2013

Sheamus Vs Wade Barrett (Smack Down 1/25/2013)

Sheamus vs. Wade Barrett
Barrett kicks and clubs Sheamus down. Sheamus comes back with some nasty punches in the corner. Barrett punches back and sends him to the ropes. Sheamus counters a hip toss with a short-arm clothesline for a one count. Sheamus punches him back to the corner, and Barrett sucker punches him. Barrett dropkicks him down for a one count. Barrett kicks him down, but Sheamus kicks right back. Sheamus drops a knee and applies a chin lock. Barrett fights up and kicks him in the face. Barrett hits the ropes, but quickly bails from the ring as Sheamus threatens a Brogue Kick. Sheamus motions that he was close.
Barrett pulls Sheamus out of the ring, but Sheamus punches right at him. Sheamus gets on the apron, and he clubs at Barrett's chest. Barrett finds a way to kick him in the knee before big booting him off the apron.
-Commercial Break-
We come back from the break to see Sheamus fighting up from a chin lock. Sheamus fights out, hits the ropes, and Barrett clotheslines him over the top rope. Barrett gloats to the crowd as the referee begins to count Sheamus out. Sheamus gets in at eight. Barrett chokes him on the ropes before kneeing him in the body a few times. Barrett backs up, and Sheamus takes him down with a slingshot shoulder block.
Sheamus comes back with a pair of Irish hammers. Sheamus shoulders him in the corner, but he misses a knee lift. Barrett charges, but Sheamus throws him over the top rope. Barrett quickly gets on the apron, and Sheamus catches him with his vicious clubs. Sheamus puts him on his shoulders and hits the rolling fireman's carry for a near fall. Barrett blocks the Irish Curse and kicks him in the midsection. Sheamus counters a kick with a school body for a near fall. Sheamus hits the Irish Curse for a near fall. Sheamus goes for White Noise, but Barrett counters by tossing him to the apron. Sheamus fights him back and goes to the top rope, but Barrett rips him off.
Barrett kicks Sheamus in the face for a near fall! Barrett can't believe it. Barrett gets on the second rope and jumps, but Sheamus counters. Sheamus goes for the Cloverleaf, but Barrett counters into a roll-up for a near fall. Sheamus quickly pops up and hits White Noise. Barrett immediately clutches his shoulder. Sheamus signals for the end. Barrett slowly gets up and eats a Brogue Kick. Sheamus picks up the big win!
Winner by Pinfall: Sheamus

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