Tuesday 29 January 2013

Sheamus Vs Damien Sandow, Tables Match (Raw 1/28/2013)

Tables Match
Damien Sandow v. Sheamus
Sheamus tosses Sandow out of the ring and then grabs a table. Sheamus sets it up on the outside. He lifts Sandow up onto his shoulder, but Sandow runs away and into the ring. Sheamus follows so Sandow exits once again. Sheamus pursues but is met with a boot. Sandow pulls a table out from under the ring. Sheamus grabs the table and tosses it at Sandow's head. Sheamus slides a table into the ring as well as Sandow. Damien gets to his feet and connects with a an arm breaker onto the table. Sandow drops a knee onto the same arm and then heads out of the ring to grab another table.
Sandow looks to set it up in the corner, but then tosses it at Sheamus. Sandow grabs Sheamus arm and placed it between the table and it's legs. Sandow jumps down on the bar to apply pressure to Sheamus' arm. Sandow sets a table up in the corner, but Sheamus counters the toss. Sandow is on the apron and Sheamus charges. Sheamus avoids being knocked off the apron by launching himself into the ring like a battering ramp. Sandow regains his composure and drops an elbow on Sheamus. Sandow sets the table up on its side and throws Sheamus down onto it.
Sandow sets up a table and places Sheamus across it. Sandow climbs to the top rope, but Sheamus comes over and stops him. Sheamus has him on the apron and delivers a series of clubbing blows. Sheamus tries to suplex Sandow back into the ring and onto the table, but Sandow counters. Back in the ring, Sheamus lifts Sandow up into position for White Noise. Sheamus charges toward the table in the corner and crashes into it with Sandow for the win.
Winner: Sheamus