Tuesday 22 January 2013

Sheamus Vs Wade Barrett

Beat the Clock Challenge Match: Sheamus vs. Wade Barrett
The time to beat for this one is 10 minutes and 56 seconds. Out first comes Sheamus followed by WWE Intercontinental Champion Wade Barrett.
The bell rings and they go at it. Back and forth with a few pin attempts to start the match. Sheamus with a big clothesline out of the corner. Sheamus drops Barrett for another pin attempt. Barrett ends up sending Sheamus to the floor with a clothesline as we go to commercial.
Back from the break and Barrett with a big shot to the gut then a suplex for a 2 count. Sheamus comes back with ax handles and a spear in the corner. Sheamus with a high knee and a clothesline in the corner. Barrett ducks one and gets dumped to the apron. Sheamus with forearm shots to the chest now. Sheamus suplexes Barrett in for a 2 count. Barrett turns it around and goes for a gutwrench but Sheamus counters. Barrett ducks the Brogue Kick and kicks Sheamus in the gut. Barrett with a huge back kick to the jaw for a close 2 count. Barrett goes to the second rope and nails an elbow drop for 2. Barrett puts Sheamus on his shoulders but Sheamus fights out and nails White Noise. Sheamus calls for the Brogue Kick but Ziggler, AJ and Langston run down. AJ hops in the ring and distracts Sheamus. Sheamus turns around to Winds of Change from Barrett but he kicks out at 2. Sheamus hits a Brogue Kick but can't get the pin in before the clock expires. Ziggler celebrates at ringside with Langston and AJ. They head up the ramp as Sheamus looks on angrily from the ring.

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