Thursday 27 December 2012

Raw report (12/24/2012)

Sheamus Vs The Big Show, Lumberjack Frost Match

Sheamus and Big Show lock up and Show sends Sheamus to the mat. They lock up again and Sheamus pushes Show to the ropes. Show wants a Greco Roman knuckle lock but Sheamus cannot reach Show's hand so Sheamus stomps on Show's foot and applies a head lock. Big Show counters with a shoulder tackle. Show with a chop in the corner and wishes Sheamus a Merry Christmas. Show misses a splash into the corner. Sheamus connects 10 forearms across Show's chest and goes up top and hits a shoulder tackle. Sheamus signals the incoming Brogue Kick but Show rolls to the floor. The lumberjacks,the 3 MB keeps a safe distance from Big Show. 

We go to Commercial....

We are back and Big Show has something to say to Sheamus but Sheamus with a kick. Show applies a key lock , Sheamus grabs Show's nose and punches Show. Sheamus tries to splash Show but collapses in Show's weight.Show gets a near fall. Show throws Sheamus to floor and 3MB attacks Sheamus. We have the lumberjack brawl. Sheamus gets back into the ring while the lumberjacks continue to take out each other. Show tries a suplex and chokes Sheamus in the ropes. Tensai punches Sheamus  while Show talks to referee. Show with a few chops to the chest. He climbs the turnbuckles and sets to punch Sheamus but he gets Show on his shoulders and hits an Electric Chair Drop. Both men goes down.

Show and Sheamus exchange a few blows from their knees.Show chokeslam Sheamus for a near fall. Sheamus gets back on his feet. Show tries a leg drop but only for a near fall. Sheamus with punches but Show counters with a bear hug. Sheamus with forearms get out of the hold. Sheamus with a flying double sledge followed by shoulder into the corner followed by another shoulder. Sheamus goes for knee lift but Show counters with clothesline for a near fall. Show with an elbow drop for another near fall.

Show goes up for a Vader Bomb but Sheamus rolls out of the way. Sheamus gets Show up and hits The White Noise for a near fall. Sheamus tries for The Brogue Kick but Show sends Sheamus over the top rope. The lumberjacks attacks Sheamus and Tensai sends him to the ring.Show gets ready for the K.O Punch. Sheamus ducks it and connects the Brogue Kick for the 3 count.

Winner: Sheamus.

 The lumberjacks get into the ring and brawl until the heel lumberjacks are thrown out of the ring.
Sheamus celebrating after his victory.

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